Our new weekly mini-series will focus on our favourite new App of the week. Because of this our first ever mini spotlight is on Reflection.app. Holstee have created an app for anyone who wants to start making a diary or journal entry and doesn't know where to start.

Why this app of the week?

Firstly, it's delightfully well designed and considered service, is fully secure and works across platforms from desktop web to mobile.

Secondly, the Reflection.app offers a framework for journaling that guides growth each month. It does this in a really simple way. Through "Monthly reflections" the app encourages you to find time to reflect back upon whats been affecting you and how.

Thirdly, because the app has really helped us to get through these last few covid months. And it's made sure we reflect back on what really made us happy (or stressed). As such it's our first ever App of the week.  Try it today on Web, iOS, and Android.

Thanks for reading

That's all for this post. If you have any suggestions for things we should cover or topics for the blog please leave them in the comments. Thanks again for reading, if you enjoyed this post please consider sharing it with your friends and remember to check out our gift guides.