June 15, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Freetrade Review 2024: The Best Investment App?

Freetrade Review 2024 image of the freetrade app

In the ever-evolving world of investment, finding a platform that suits your needs can be challenging. Enter Freetrade, an app that has gained significant traction over the past few years. In this "Freetrade Review 2024," we'll delve into the app's features, benefits, and potential drawbacks to help you decide if it's the right choice for your investment journey.

What is Freetrade?

Freetrade is a commission-free investment app designed to make investing accessible to everyone. Launched in 2016, it has grown rapidly, appealing to both novice investors and seasoned traders. The app is available on iOS and Android, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of buying and selling stocks.

Key Features of Freetrade

Commission-Free Trading

One of Freetrade's standout features is its commission-free trading. Unlike traditional brokers that charge per trade, Freetrade allows users to buy and sell stocks without incurring transaction fees. This can result in significant savings, particularly for frequent traders.

Fractional Shares

Freetrade offers the ability to purchase fractional shares, allowing investors to buy a portion of a stock rather than a whole share. This feature is particularly beneficial for those looking to invest in high-priced stocks without needing a large amount of capital upfront.

Wide Range of Investments

The app provides access to a broad selection of stocks, ETFs, and investment trusts from major markets, including the US and the UK. This variety enables users to diversify their portfolios easily.

User-Friendly Interface

Freetrade's interface is designed with simplicity in mind. The intuitive layout ensures that even those new to investing can navigate the app with ease. Features like stock search, portfolio tracking, and detailed stock information are all easily accessible.

Educational Resources

For those looking to learn more about investing, Freetrade offers a range of educational resources. From blog posts and newsletters to community forums, users can find valuable information to help them make informed investment decisions.

Freetrade Review 2024: Benefits of Using Freetrade


Freetrade’s low-cost model and ease of use make it an excellent choice for beginner investors. There’s no minimum investment required, allowing anyone to start their investment journey with any amount they’re comfortable with.


Freetrade is known for its transparency. There are no hidden fees, and the app clearly outlines any costs associated with premium features or foreign exchange transactions.

ISA and SIPP Options

For those interested in tax-efficient investing, Freetrade offers Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs). These options can help investors save on taxes and plan for the future.

Freetrade Review 2024: Potential Drawbacks

Limited Advanced Trading Features

While Freetrade is excellent for beginners and casual investors, it may lack some of the advanced trading features that experienced traders seek. For example, there are no options for margin trading or short selling.

No Cryptocurrency Trading

As of 2024, Freetrade does not support cryptocurrency trading. Investors interested in digital assets will need to look elsewhere.

Customer Support

Some users have reported that Freetrade's customer support can be slow to respond. While the app's community forum can be helpful, direct support may not always be prompt.

Freetrade Plus

For users seeking more features, Freetrade offers a premium service called Freetrade Plus. For a monthly fee, Freetrade Plus members gain access to additional stocks, priority customer support, and other advanced features like limit orders and stop losses.

Conclusion: Is Freetrade Right for You?

In summary, Freetrade is an excellent app for those looking to dip their toes into the world of investing without incurring high fees. Its user-friendly interface, commission-free trading, and educational resources make it particularly appealing to beginners. However, advanced traders may find the app lacking in certain areas.

If you're looking for a straightforward, cost-effective way to start investing, Freetrade is certainly worth considering. We hope this "Freetrade Review 2024" has provided you with the insights needed to make an informed decision about whether Freetrade aligns with your investment goals.

Get a Free Share with Our Referral Link

As a special bonus, when you sign up for Freetrade using our unique referral link, you'll receive a free share! This is a fantastic way to kickstart your investment journey with a little extra boost. Simply go to our feature page here, click on the link, complete the sign-up process using the code provided and top up the minimum amount, the free share will be credited to your account by Freetrade.

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